SUSTAINABILITY. Welcome to the journey of the Sustain-age Citizen. There is so much to say about this. So I’ve created two separate websites. Sorry, I couldn't link them. Paste into your search, the sites are safe. You can visit: www.sustainable19320.weebly.comto learn more, or read this introduction first. Or my latest website (2023) visit: When the financial crash happened in 2008, I said to myself, this is different. Gasoline had hit $4.60 a gallon in the summer of that year also. I’d already downscaled my vehicle 4 years earlier. I never considered that Wall Street could affect my life so much. My antenna went up, I was agitated, and whenever that happens I know there’s something I don’t know. How come the economists didn’t warn us? Where was history? Where were the college educated financial wizards? How come they weren’t telling us we’re post-industrial, even post-consumer? What else didn’t I know?
So, I hit the Internet. And just like ants don’t know where the sugar is in your kitchen, they just spread out knowing they’ll bump into it eventually, and bump, I hit it, or at least a friend did saying, “This sounds like the things you’ve been saying for the past six months!” And she was right. Only they were ahead of me, they were preparing. What I tapped into was the sustainability community. It comes in many forms: Transition Town Initiatives, sustainable citizens, online blogs, Youtube videos, even survivalists, etc. Some of the main points were that we’d been living beyond our means since the 1980s. The planet’s resources can't handle our rampant consumerism. The end of easy oil extraction was in sight. Climate change was really going to upset things. With 3 billion people in the global south willing to work for $10 a day, we truly were becoming post-industrial and the manufacturing won’t be coming back this way for a while. We had all borrowed so much money, the economy was overleveraged more than in the Great Depression of the 1930s, etc. I could go on. So what can I do? you ask. It’s actually a great adventure. Unlike the old environmental movement, where the organizations beg you for money so they can go and beat up on the politicians, Sustain-age Citizens just get on with it. The Transition Initiative encourages us to get together with other members of our community and ‘do stuff.’ "Become the world you want to see." Get re-skilled if you have to. Find out how to become more resilient to the shocks of the world, both individually and regionally.
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